Monitoring the filesystem for changes using Python and watchdog.
Watchdog cross platform library allows to detect changes made to files in the directory. There are options to specify patterns for files (think extensions) and set recursive flag for tracking changes in subdirectories.
Code snippet below can be abstracted into separate classes for easier re-use.
import time
from watchdog.observers import Observer
from import PatternMatchingEventHandler
def on_created(event):
print(f"{event.src_path} has been created!")
def on_deleted(event):
print(f"Someone deleted {event.src_path}!")
def on_modified(event):
print(f"{event.src_path} has been modified")
def on_moved(event):
print(f"{event.src_path} moved to {event.dest_path}")
if __name__ == "__main__":
# event handler
patterns = "*" # file patterns we want to handle (all the files)
ignore_patterns = "" # patterns that we don’t want to handle
ignore_directories = False # True to be notified for regular files (not for directories)
case_sensitive = True # made the patterns “case sensitive”
my_event_handler = PatternMatchingEventHandler(patterns,
# specify functions to be called when the corresponding event is raised
my_event_handler.on_created = on_created
my_event_handler.on_deleted = on_deleted
my_event_handler.on_modified = on_modified
my_event_handler.on_moved = on_moved
# create observer to monitor filesystem for changes
# that will be handled by the event handler
path = "." # current directory
go_recursively = True # allow to catch all the events in the subdirs of current dir
my_observer = Observer()
# call the schedule method on Observer object
my_observer.schedule(my_event_handler, path, recursive=go_recursively)
# start the observer thread to get all the events.
while True:
except KeyboardInterrupt:
Full tutorial by Davide Mastromatteo from thepythoncorner